Two free events will celebrate the 175th birthday of the city of Aurora on March 2, 2012.
A postal cancellation ceremony will take place at 2:00pm at the downtown post office, commemorating the establishment, on March 2, 1837, of the Aurora Post Office. Within a setting of postal memorabilia jointly curated by the Post Office and the Aurora Historical Society, postal employees will offer a commemorative postmark saluting Aurora’s 175-year history. Entertainment will include a reading of the 1837 letter announcing the establishment of the office, as well as original music written about Aurora. Postmaster Jackie Sanchez will speak.
The commemorative postmark is free, however it can only be placed on First-Class Mail postage. Collectors and souvenir hunters may bring their own envelopes with first class stamp affixed, or they may choose from a set of four pictorial envelopes featuring famous images of Aurora which the historical society will offer at a nominal price. The cancellation may also be obtained for a period of 30 days following the ceremonies by submitting a request to the post office. After thirty days the equipment is destroyed, ensuring the integrity of the cancellation. Cancelled pictorial envelopes will be for sale at the Aurora Historical Society gift shop throughout the year. Seewww.aurorahistory.net for details.
The post office is located at 525 North Broadway, 60505. The cancellation activities will be conducted from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.
A birthday party to celebrate the 175th anniversary will be held from 5:00 to 8:00pm at the Aurora Transportation Center. Sponsored jointly by the City of Aurora and the Aurora Historical Society, the event will include refreshments, music, historic characters and the Goddess Aurora, making her first appearance of the year. The historical society is seeking Aurora’s oldest citizens, pioneer families, and residents who have significant length of residence to be honored by the mayor. Please visit www.aurorahistory.net to learn more about the criteria and how to submit a nomination.
The Aurora Transportation Center is at 233 North Broadway, 60505. Parking will be free that evening.
Both events are free and open to the public.
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