Wednesday, February 29, 2012
March 1: Downtown Auroran Magazine party!

The City of Aurora’s Emergency Management Agency, in association with the National Weather Service, is offering a Severe Weather Spotter Training Program on Mar. 12, at 7 p.m., at the Aurora Police Department, 1200 E. Indian Trail.
The free training is open to anyone interested in learning how to identify severe storms and tornadoes and report them to local law enforcement, community emergency management agencies, and amateur radio via organized communications networks. Even with sophisticated radar and other equipment at their disposal, National Weather Service meteorologists depend on real-time reports from trained spotters who know exactly what is occurring on the ground during severe weather so that the public can be notified in a timely manner.
Jim Allsopp, National Weather Service Chicago Warning Coordination Meteorologist, will present the training which covers the five deadly hazards associated with severe weather; the meteorology supporting severe storm development; recognizing and identifying cloud formations, storm features, and associated hazards; thresholds for reporting observations; and weather spotting tips, reporting, and safety.
More information is available by calling Aurora Emergency Management at 630-256-5800 .
Friday, February 17, 2012
Feb. 29: Free AU Business Workshop
Free Aurora University business workshop: How to effectively recruit top talent
AURORA, Ill. (Feb. 16) - "Learn How to Effectively Recruit for the Best Talent in Your Industry in Today's Changing Business Environment," a free business workshop, will be hosted by Aurora University on Feb. 29.
Heather Shepard, director of recruiting for Valor Executive Search in Chicago, will speak at 8 a.m. in the University Banquet Hall at Alumni Hall, 1410 Marseillaise Place. Networking and refreshments are at 7:30 a.m. In her position, Shepard places director, C-level and venture capital professionals in positions nationwide. She holds a bachelor's degree in communication, with an emphasis in public relations, from Arizona State University.
The program is sponsored by the AU Human Resources Institute, an educational and networking event presented by the Dunham School of Business and Human Resource Management Systems in Naperville. Reservations are requested. Call (630) 844-4894 or (630) 844-4917 .
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Feb. 18: Free tax service at AU
Free tax-preparation service to open Feb. 18 at Aurora University
AURORA, Ill. (Feb. 15) - Since Aurora University introduced the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program in 2002, AU tax preparers have helped generate more than $3 million in refunds for local taxpayers and saved them an estimated $600,000 in tax-preparation fees.
Last year alone, about 40 AU students, faculty, staff and alumni prepared federal and state tax returns for 550 clients at no charge, leading to $495,000 in refunds. The largest single refund, $11,120, went to an Aurora resident.
As VITA opens its 10th season this weekend, faculty in the AU Dunham School of Business are looking forward to celebrating a decade of serving the community.
"The VITA program provides a much-needed community benefit and creates a rich environment for hands-on learning as AU business students interact directly with real clients," said David Diehl, Assistant Professor and Director of the MBA Program.
The 10th annual VITA program kicks off Saturday, Feb. 18, from 8 a.m. to noon in the lobby of Dunham Hall, 1400 Marseillaise Place in Aurora. VITA sessions will also be held March 3 and 24. In a change this year, taxpayers will not have to wait for their returns to be completed; instead, they can pick them up between noon and 2 p.m. a week after their appointment.
The free service, including e-filing, is available to low-income, elderly and disabled residents earning up to $50,000. No reservations are accepted. Bilingual college students will provide translation assistance for Spanish-speaking taxpayers. Taxpayers should bring copies of personal documents, including Social Security card, driver's license, 2010 W2s and other tax statements, state and federal 2009 returns, voided check or deposit slip, 2010 real-state tax statement and childcare provider identification.
Call (630) 844-7557 or e-mail au-vita@aurora.edu for more information.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
March 2: Free Birthday Events for Aurora!

Two free events will celebrate the 175th birthday of the city of Aurora on March 2, 2012.
A postal cancellation ceremony will take place at 2:00pm at the downtown post office, commemorating the establishment, on March 2, 1837, of the Aurora Post Office. Within a setting of postal memorabilia jointly curated by the Post Office and the Aurora Historical Society, postal employees will offer a commemorative postmark saluting Aurora’s 175-year history. Entertainment will include a reading of the 1837 letter announcing the establishment of the office, as well as original music written about Aurora. Postmaster Jackie Sanchez will speak.
The commemorative postmark is free, however it can only be placed on First-Class Mail postage. Collectors and souvenir hunters may bring their own envelopes with first class stamp affixed, or they may choose from a set of four pictorial envelopes featuring famous images of Aurora which the historical society will offer at a nominal price. The cancellation may also be obtained for a period of 30 days following the ceremonies by submitting a request to the post office. After thirty days the equipment is destroyed, ensuring the integrity of the cancellation. Cancelled pictorial envelopes will be for sale at the Aurora Historical Society gift shop throughout the year. Seewww.aurorahistory.net for details.
The post office is located at 525 North Broadway, 60505. The cancellation activities will be conducted from 2:00 to 4:00 pm.
A birthday party to celebrate the 175th anniversary will be held from 5:00 to 8:00pm at the Aurora Transportation Center. Sponsored jointly by the City of Aurora and the Aurora Historical Society, the event will include refreshments, music, historic characters and the Goddess Aurora, making her first appearance of the year. The historical society is seeking Aurora’s oldest citizens, pioneer families, and residents who have significant length of residence to be honored by the mayor. Please visit www.aurorahistory.net to learn more about the criteria and how to submit a nomination.
The Aurora Transportation Center is at 233 North Broadway, 60505. Parking will be free that evening.
Both events are free and open to the public.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Feb. 14: Illinois—Land of Lincoln
A free presentation on Abraham Lincoln will be offered at the Montgomery Village Hall at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 14, 2012. Gene Michaels from the Village’s Historic Preservation Commission will give an overview of Lincoln’s life, including excerpts from some of his speeches and major accomplishments that made him one of the greatest US Presidents.
This program is being offered by the Village of Montgomery as part of its Senior Citizen Program. There is no charge and the event is handicapped accessible. The monthly Senior Lunch and activity will begin at 11:00 a.m. after the presentation. There is a $4 suggested donation for the lunch.
For additional information on this event, please call the Montgomery Village Hall at (630) 896-8080 ext. 1227.